The Movie Breakdown Episode 93: Melissa McCarthy is an Expert 'Spy' and 'Insidious: Chapter 3' Shocks

Scott and I tackle two big new releases in Spy and Insidious: Chapter 3, and both pictures turn out to offer up a great deal of surprises. This is a pretty must-watch show for long-time listeners who remember our rants against past Blumhouse pictures. As well we discuss a slew of trailers, an early 1980s high school comedy classic, a 2014 Blumhouse thriller, and an unnecessary remake. As always, if you love the show then please spread the word.

The Movie Breakdown Outline:

00:00 - 8:40 Intro (picking who would play Sepp Blatter)
8:41 - 19:30 Left Behind review
19:31 - 36:13 Spy review
36:14 -48:33 Insidious Chapter 3 review
48:34 - 57:47 Stretch review
57:48 - 1:07:17 Fast Times at Ridgemont High review
1:07:18 - 1:23:30 Red Dawn (2012) review
1:23:31 - 1:35:03 Box Office Game Rundown
1:35:04 - 1:35:49 The Good Dinosaur trailer
1:35:50 - 1:37:10 Bridge of Spies trailer
1:37:11 - 1:38:59 Mistress America trailer
1:39:00 - 1:43:13 Everest trailer
1:43:14 - 1:51:00 Suffragette trailer
1:51:01 - 1:53:41 Z for Zachariah trailer
1:53:32 - 1:55:39 The Walk trailer
1:55:40 - 1:58:38 The Perfect Guy trailer
1:58:39 - 2:00:33 Review rundown
2:00:34  Closing


Left Behind ½* (SM)
Spy ***½ (CS & SM)
Insidious Chapter 3 *** (CS & SM)
Stretch *½ (CS) & *** (SM)
Fast Times at Ridgemont High **** (CS) & ***½ (SM)
Red Dawn * (CS & SM)
